CBSA Anti-dumping and Countervailing Program - Evaluation Report - Correction

December 23, 2016
The earlier message on this subject excluded some text.
The Internal Audit and Program Evaluation Directorate of the CBSA has issued an evaluation report on CBSA's Anti-dumping and Countervailing Program. 
The purpose of the evaluation is to determine the degree to which the ADCV Program within the CBSA supports the delivery of the Government of Canada and CBSA trade remedy-related priorities and the performance, efficiency and economy of the ADCV program based on the logic model for the program in place at the time of the evaluation. A new logic model is currently under development and may reflect different outcomes and/or indicators in future evaluations.
Expected outcomes include:  
1: Effective partnerships are formed to deliver the SIMA program to stakeholders.

2: Stakeholders are aware of Canada's trade requirements.

3: Appropriate and timely investigative decisions are rendered.

4. SIMA duties are assessed in a timely manner.

5: Anti-dumping and/or countervailing duties are imposed on importers who have imported dumped and/or subsidized goods.

6: Canada's economic interests/position are advanced domestically and internationally.

The report, in its entirety, is available on CBSA's website.

Acts, Regulations, Policies & Decisions / Special Import Measures Act (SIMA)
Information Source: 
Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
Document Type: 
Email Article