D19-2-1, Administration of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act

March 31, 2017

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) assists the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) with the administration of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA) and Regulations. This memorandum outlines the requirements and procedures with respect to the import  and export of nuclear substances, prescribed equipment or prescribed information, as well as the in transit movement of nuclear substances through Canada.

The CNSC regulates, through licensing and compliance activities, the import and export of nuclear substances, prescribed equipment and prescribed information pursuant to section 24 and 26 of the NSCA, and pursuant to regulations made under the NSCA. Specific licensing requirements and authorizations vary depending on: the type of nuclear item being shipped; the applicable regulations governing the importation and exportation; the origin and destination of the shipment; and the type of risk being assessed.

  1. Changes to this memorandum have been made to accurately reflect Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) role in assisting the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) to administer the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and Regulations.
  2. Additional information on the export of nuclear substances, prescribed equipment or prescribed information has been added to Memorandum D19-2-1.
  3. CBSA procedural references have been removed.
  4. Copies of CNSC licences have been removed.
  5. This memorandum replaces the previous Memorandum D19-2-1, Administration of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act, dated January 28, 2014.

This memorandum is available in its entirety on the CBSA website: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/dm-md/d19/d19-2-1-eng.html

Acts, Regulations, Policies & Decisions / Departmental Memoranda (D-memos)