CN 12-015, Use of Customs Brokers' Business Numbers for Non-commercial Casual Importers and One-time Commercial Importers

June 1, 2012

Customs Notice 12-015, Use of Customs Brokers' Business Numbers for Non-commercial Casual Importers and One-time Commercial Importers, is a revised version of 07-036. The latest version includes an alternative to using the broker's BN. CBSA has indicated that the importer may account for these goods themselves using a B15 or B15-1, Casual Goods Accounting Document at the CBSA office closest to where the goods are held for release.

Customs Notice 12-015, Use of Customs Brokers' Business Numbers for Non-commercial Casual Importers and One-time Commercial Importers


Acts, Regulations, Policies & Decisions / Customs Notices (CNs)