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Student Awards

Did you know that the CSCB offers generous awards for top students in the CCS and CTCS programs?

CCS Program Awards

The CSCB presents two types of awards to the most successful CCS program graduates:

CSCB Board of Directors National Award

Each year, the student (or students, in the event of a tie) with the highest score in the CCS course in Canada will receive:

  • A desktop memento,
  • A cash award of $500, and
  • Complimentary registration for the next CSCB National Conference.

Note: Only students employed by CSCB member firms at the time of enrolment are eligible for this national award.

Regional Awards

Each year, in each CSCB region, the student (or students, in the event of a tie) with the highest score in the CCS course will receive:

  • A desktop memento, and
  • A cash award of $250.

All students are eligible for the regional CCS student awards.

CTCS Program Awards

Each calendar year, the top CTCS graduate (or graduates, in the event of a tie) will receive:

  • A desktop memento,
  • A monetary award of $250, and
  • Complimentary registration for the next CSCB National Conference.

The top graduate is determined by averaging the grades received on their CTCS modules.