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Health Canada proposes regulatory changes to increase oversight for precursor chemicals and drug equipment

Health Canada has published a Notice of Intent to amend regulations for precursors and designated devices under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA), and they are inviting comments on the proposed measures. Until March 3, 2025, interested individuals may submit comments about the proposed measures, which are intended to:

  1. Make suspicious transaction reporting to Health Canada mandatory.
  2. Require licensed and registered companies to conduct criminal record and background checks on key personnel dealing with precursors.
  3. Apply condition-of-sale restrictions for ephedrine and pseudoephedrine (two precursors that can be used to produce methamphetamine).
  4. Expand registration requirements for designated devices to include the importation of component parts.
  5. Introduce new regulatory flexibilities so that Health Canada can respond to public health or public safety risks in a more agile and timely manner.

Further details about the proposed regulatory changes, as well as instructions for how to submit feedback, can be found here: Canada Gazette, Part 1, Volume 159, Number 5: GOVERNMENT NOTICES


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