Your search found 39346 results
Displaying 39301 - 39320 of 39346
Displaying 39301 - 39320 of 39346
Imported Vehicle List from Transport Canada ...
January 25, 2000
25 January 2000 Imported Vehicle List from Transport Canada Now Available The list of approved imported vehicles from Transport Canada for the period 1 February to 30 April 2000 is now available to members via e-mail (please contact the CSCB national office at [email protected]) or in hard copy. It is…
La version française de ITO 1 est maintenant ...
January 25, 2000
25 January 2000 La version française de ITO 1 est maintenant disponible Le numéro un du Bulletin d'information technique et opérationnelle (ITO 1) est maintenant disponible au site Web de la SCCD, à l'adresse suivante : The first Technical Operational…
ACROSS Profile Updates
January 25, 2000
25 January 2000 ACROSS Profile Updates The following message is from the Electronic Commerce Unit at the CCRA. ACROSS profile updates are scheduled every Tuesday. Due to the increase in the volume of requests for these updates, all requests must be received by the ECU by the end of business on…
Multi-Load Shipments of Steel
January 25, 2000
25 January 2000 Multi-Load Shipments of Steel The following message is from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. In a previous message to customs brokers on 24 October 1997 concerning the time extension for multi- load shipments, we indicated that "this 30 consecutive calendar…
Customs Notices N-304 and N-305 Published
January 24, 2000
24 January 2000 Customs Notices N-304 and N-305 Published The following Customs Notices have been published: N-304 Cold Weather Testing of Vehicles and Vehicle Components N-305 Plastic Shrinkable Bags
Newest Associate Member, Meade Willis, is Welcomed
January 24, 2000
24 January 2000 Newest Associate Member, Meade Willis, is Welcomed The CSCB is pleased to welcome our newest associate member. Meade Willis is an EDI software provider based in Montréal. The contact is Mr. Michael Barski, the president of the company. Their details follow: Meade Willis 200, 5250…
Seamless borders nearing reality
January 24, 2000
24 January 2000 Seamless borders nearing reality The following article is excerpted from "The Journal of Commerce" issue of 19 January 2000. U.S., Canadian and Mexican officials are experimenting with an array of intelligent transportation-system functions that could one day make crossing Nafta…
SIMA Review re Corrosion-Resistant Steel Sheet
January 21, 2000
21 January 2000 SIMA Review re Corrosion-Resistant Steel Sheet The CCRA has concluded its review of the normal values and export prices of certain corrosion- resistant steel sheet products originating in or exported from Brazil, the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea and the…
Customs Notice N-303 Available
January 20, 2000
20 January 2000 Customs Notice N-303 Available The following customs notice is available: N-303 The Importation of Used or Second-Hand Motor Vehicles Manufactured in the United States
Port Standing Committe Meeting in Windsor
January 20, 2000
20 January 2000 Port Standing Committe Meeting in Windsor There will be a Windsor Port Standing Committee meeting on Wednesday January 26 at 9:00 am. Members with any items they wish discussed or brought forward are asked to contact Mr. John Moccia via e-mail at [email protected], or via…
Minutes of Toronto Region Meeting with CCRA, 7 Dec
January 20, 2000
20 January 2000 Minutes of Toronto Region Meeting with CCRA, 7 December 1999 Members are invited to access the minutes of the CSCB Toronto Region GTA meeting with the CCRA on 7 December 1999 in the CSCB Reference System, in the CSCB Divisions section of the CSCB web site, at http…
Communication Problems with Two VANs
January 18, 2000
18 January 2000 Communication Problems with Two VANs The following message is from the Electronic Commerce Unit at the CCRA, at 8:30 am (ET) on 18 January. Please be advised that we are experiencing communication problems with clients using the Value Added Networks GEIS and AT&T. We are unable to…
Communications Problems on 14 January
January 17, 2000
17 January 2000 Communications Problems on 14 January The following message from the Electronic Commerce Unit was received on 17 January, although it was sent during the evening of 14 January. On 17 January at 7:30 am (ET), all electronic commerce systems were reported as functioning normally. The…
Addition to Facilities Designated for the ...
January 17, 2000
17 January 2000 Addition to Facilities Designated for the Inspection of Meat Products from the US Please note the addition of the following facility for the inspection of meat products from the US: Est. 121 Groupe International de Boyaux du Canada Inc. International Casing Group Canada Inc. St…
Roster Update
January 17, 2000
17 January 2000 Roster Update Members are asked to note the following change of address information in the Québec region: Goudreau Cargo Int'l Inc. 2185, Avenue Jean-Béraud Laval, QC H7T 2L2 * (450) 682-1150 *** (450) 682-1779 [email protected]
Container Volume Rises at Port of Halifax
January 17, 2000
17 January 2000 Container Volume Rises at Port of Halifax The Port of Halifax had a record year in 1999. Port cargo for last year is projected to be almost 14 million metric tons, six per cent more than in 1998. The growth was led by containerized cargo, which grew by more than eight per cent over…
Appeal No. AP-98-106
January 17, 2000
17 January 2000 Appeal No. AP-98-106 This is an appeal under section 67 of the Customs Act from decisions of the Deputy Minister of National Revenue (now the Commissioner, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency) made under section 63 of the Customs Act. The issue in this appeal is whether certain rubber…
Appeal No. AP-98-108
January 17, 2000
17 January 2000 Appeal No. AP-98-108 This is an appeal pursuant to section 67 of the Customs Act from a decision of the Deputy Minister of National Revenue (now the Commissioner, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency) dated March 19, 1998. The goods in issue are fibrous sausage casings. They are…
Update to the Sublocation List
January 17, 2000
17 January 2000 Update to the Sublocation List Members who require the complete sublocation document should contact Ms. Pauline Morris at 613- 954-0827, or via e-mail at [email protected]. Division Port Sub-Ofce Warehouse Name #1-1 Atlantic 0914 4253 Cougar Helicopters Inc. #2-2 Quebec…
Notice to Exporters No. 123
January 14, 2000
17 January 2000 Notice to Exporters No. 123, Textiles and Clothing — Administration of the North American Free Trade Agreement Relating to Exports of Textiles, Apparel and Made-up Goods to the US and the Application of the Tariff Preference Levels: TPL Allocation, New Entrants and Amendments to the…