
Looking for a term or acronym you're not familiar with? Find it in this glossary! If there is a term we're missing, let us know at [email protected].
A (35) | B (15) | C (82) | D (24) | E (30) | F (44) | G (10) | H (7) | I (21) | K (1) | L (12) | M (11) | N (16) | O (6) | P (25) | Q (4) | R (27) | S (29) | T (19) | U (7) | V (7) | W (7) | Z (1)
Term Definition
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme

The aim of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme was to stop military groups from using the trade of rough diamonds to finance their military supplies. The Kimberley Process encourages participating countries to exchange diamonds only with other Kimberley Process nations. When diamonds arrive at the border of a Kimberley Process nation, government officials are better able to approve or reject the shipments based on the use of well-sealed containers accompanied by Kimberley Process Certificates (KPC).