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Your search found 38733 results
Displaying 101 - 120 of 38733

National railways stop some shipments ahead of possible lockout

The country's two main railways are starting to block shipments ahead of a possible strike or lockout next week. Canadian National Railway says in an internal memo the company has started to embargo some hazardous goods from the U.S. in anticipation of a work stoppage. CN says it plans to bar more…

CFIA-AIRS Updates August 14th, 2024

A) Chapter 01 Chapter 01 was published to modify the import conditions and modify the registration type list of the following HS codes with the end use “Canadian animals returning to Canada” originating from the United States: – Bulls – Cows – Bulls…

U.S. nearly doubles duty on Canadian softwood lumber

The U.S. is dramatically increasing the duty it charges on softwood lumber imports from Canada, setting the rate at 14.54 per cent. The previous duty was 8.05 per cent. The new rate was shared with trade groups and government officials on Tuesday, but was not immediately posted to the U.S. Federal…

Notice of initiation of expiry review investigation: Copper Tube (CT 2024 ER)

On August 12, 2024, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT), pursuant to subsection 76.03(1) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), initiated an expiry review of its order made on September 25, 2019, in Expiry Review No. RR-2018-005, concerning the dumping of certain copper tube…

Have your say – CBSA examination timelines and frequency

The CSCB is collecting data to better understand concerns raised by some members around longer timelines and increased frequency of shipment examinations by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Your input will help us understand where these impacts are being felt so that we can engage the CBSA…

Notice of export price review: Aluminum extrusions (AE 2024 UP1)

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has today initiated a review of the export prices of certain aluminum extrusions originating in or exported from China by Guangdong Luoxiang Aluminium Co., Ltd. The review is part of the CBSA’s enforcement of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s (CITT)…

Export requirements for ash veneer sheets to the European Union

As of August 15, 2024, ash ( Fraxinus spp) veneer sheets that are 1 mm or less in thickness will be exempt from phytosanitary requirements. No phytosanitary certificate will be required for ash veneer sheets of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm exported under HS code 44089085 to the European Union (EU)…

CARM: Sharing what we know - Register today!

As we reported last week ( CARM: Sharing what we know | CSCB National Office ), the CSCB will be holding 30-minute briefing sessions for our customs broker members to share whatever information we have available to help you and your clients prepare for the CARM implementation. The sessions will be…

CFIA-AIRS Updates August 12th, 2024

A) Chapter 02 Chapter 02 was published to modify the import conditions and the registration type list of the following HS codes with the end uses “Human consumption”, “In transit through Canada” and “Other end uses” and with the miscellaneous codes “Fully marked” and “Unstamped” originating from…

New Export Requirements for Honey to the United Kingdom

Please note that the export requirements for the export of honey from Canada to the United Kingdom have been updated. For additional information, please refer to CFIA’s Food Export Requirements Library . For any questions, please follow the CFIA’s established communication pathways. Nouvelles…

CARM: Sharing what we know

As members will have seen, the pace of CARM engagement with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has slowed significantly since the announcement that CARM implementation would be delayed until October 2024. The CSCB continues to engage with CBSA counterparts at every opportunity to advocate for…

Draft Customs Notice CARM Transition Notice

A small group of Trade Chain Partners, including the CSCB, met with the CBSA on August 8th to review the draft Customs Notice (CN) CARM Transition Measures. The purpose of the CN is to communicate to trade chain partners (TCPs) the transition measures that will be introduced, following CARM…

CFIA-AIRS Updates August 8th, 2024

CFIA-AIRS Updates August 8th, 2024 A) Chapter 02 Chapter 02 was published to change the release recommendation from “Refer to CFIA-NISC” to “Refuse entry” of the following HS codes with the end uses “Human consumption”, “In-transit through Canada” and “Other end uses” originating from countries…